08 December 2008

Tat Kuang Si Waterfall

After the disappointment of yesterdays trip today we got back on track with a trip to Tat Kuang Si Waterfall. It was really beautiful there with lots of pools for swimming in. . . Well I swam in them. Liz sat on the side watching saying that it was too cold. And this is from someone who used to swim in the sea in Torquay! She definitely needs toughening up, I think she has gone a bit soft in her old age.

Here´s me doing my best Tarzan impression . . .

Tomorrow we head further South in Laos to Vang Vieng.


  1. Wow! The waterfalls look fantastic, I'd love to go there.

    Hope all is well with you both.


  2. More falling off the cliff than swinging on a vine mate

    Looks great on a cold wet Monday morning

  3. Tarzan? No - you look more like Cheetah!!! Does look fab though and I'm just a teeny bit jealous as it's persisiting it down here!!!
