30 October 2008

Flat Packing & Mazda Thrashing

Well it's been a hell of a time the last couple of weeks. We have spent most of the last two or three weeks emptying all of our things out of the flat in preparation for our tenant moving in. We've been up past midnight most evenings packing and cleaning, which is quite tiring when you've been getting up at a quarter past six in the morning for work. We've also sold Liz's beloved MX-5. We're really going to miss it! It's been such a fun car . . . and it's got really nice spangly wheels!

What with the whole credit crunch thing selling it has been a bit of a nightmare, people just can't get or aren't willing to spend money at the moment. Plus selling a cabriolet at the end of two of the worst British summers is always going to be a bit more challenging. We tried Auto Trader and couple of garages without much luck. The whole Auto Trader experience has tested our patience to the limits. Never in my life have we had to deal with so many scammers, con artists, spoof emails, time wasters and general toss-pots! In the end we put it on eBay and auctioned it off. We hope the new owner gets as much fun out of the little fella as we have. He certainly looked like he was enjoying it as he drove . . . or should I say wheel spun off with the rev counter on the red line.

Since finishing work on Friday we have spent a lovely few days in Torquay with Liz's family. We're now back at my Mom & Dad's just having a few days relaxing and doing the final packing before we depart on Sunday for Hong Kong.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck guys!! Can't wait to read all about your adventures over the coming months. We'll try and get over to see you at some point (NASA schedules permitting!!). People who don't know me will wonder what I do! Think I'll a bit of mystery with that one!!!

    Safe travels

    Liz & Damian
